Source code for

import numpy as np
from obspy.core import Stream
from .generic import phaseAlignIdx, phaseAlignData

[docs]def fstatbland(dtmp, fs, tau): r""" Calculates the F-statistic and SNR based on Blandford's method (see Notes). Args: dtmp: ``(m, n)`` array; time series with ``m`` samples from ``n`` traces as columns fs (int or float): Sample rate [Hz] tau: ``(n(n-1)//2)`` array; time delays of relative signal arrivals (TDOA) for all unique sensor pairings Returns: tuple: Tuple containing: - **fstat** – F-statistic - **snr** – SNR References: Blandford, R. R., 1974. An automatic event detector at the Tonto Forest Seismic Observatory. Geophysics, vol. 39, no. 5, p. 633–643. ` <>`__ """ m, n = dtmp.shape wgt = np.ones(n) #individual trace offsets from arrival model shifts. Zeros here m_offset = [0 for i in range(n)] # calculate beam delays beam_delays = phaseAlignIdx(tau, fs, wgt, 0) # apply shifts, resulting in a zero-padded array beam = phaseAlignData(dtmp, beam_delays, wgt, 0, m, m_offset) fnum = np.sum(np.sum(beam, axis=1)**2) term1 = np.sum(beam, axis=1)/n term1_0 = term1 for i in range(1, n): term1 = np.vstack((term1, term1_0)) fden = np.sum(np.sum((beam.T - term1)**2)) fstat = (n-1) * fnum/(n * fden) #calculate snr based on fstat snr = np.sqrt((fstat-1)/n) return fstat, snr
[docs]def calculate_semblance(data_in): r""" Calculates the semblance, a measure of multi-channel coherence, following the definition of Neidell & Taner (1971). Assumes data are already time-shifted to construct the beam. Args: data_in: Time-shifted ObsPy Stream or time-shifted NumPy array Returns: Multi-channel coherence defined on :math:`[0, 1]` """ if isinstance(data_in, Stream): # check that all traces have the same length if len(set([len(tr) for tr in data_in])) != 1: raise ValueError('Traces in stream must have same length!') n = len(data_in) beam = np.sum([ for tr in data_in], axis=0) / n beampower = n * np.sum(beam**2) avg_power = np.sum(np.sum([**2 for tr in data_in], axis=0)) elif isinstance(data_in, np.ndarray): n = data_in.shape[0] beam = np.sum(data_in, axis=0) / n beampower = n * np.sum(beam**2) avg_power = np.sum(np.sum([data_in**2], axis=0)) semblance = beampower / avg_power return semblance