Source code for

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.special import gammainc
from fastkml import kml

[docs]def arraySig(rij, kmax, sigLevel, p=0.9, velLims=(0.27, 0.36), NgridV=100, NgridTh=100, NgridK=100): r""" Estimate 2-D array uncertainties in trace velocity and back-azimuth, and calculate impulse response. Args: rij: Coordinates (km) of sensors as eastings & northings in a ``(2, N)`` array kmax (float): Impulse response will be calculated over the range [-`kmax`, `kmax`] in :math:`k`-space (1/km) sigLevel (float): Variance in time delays (s), typically :math:`\sigma_\tau` p (float): Confidence limit in uncertainty estimates velLims (tuple): Range of trace velocities (km/s) to estimate uncertainty over. A single value can be used, but the by default a range is used NgridV (int): Number of velocities to estimate uncertainties in range `velLims` NgridTh (int): Number of angles to estimate uncertainties in range :math:`[0^\circ, 360^\circ]` NgridK (int): Number of :math:`k`-space coordinates to calculate in each dimension Returns: tuple: Tuple containing: - **sigV** – Uncertainties in trace velocity (°) as a function of trace velocity and back-azimuth as ``(NgridTh, NgridV)`` array - **sigTh** – Uncertainties in trace velocity (km/s) as a function of trace velocity and back-azimuth as ``(NgridTh, NgridV)`` array - **impResp** – Impulse response over grid as ``(NgridK, NgridK)`` array - **vel** – Vector of trace velocities (km/s) for axis in ``(NgridV, )`` array - **th** – Vector of back azimuths (°) for axis in ``(NgridTh, )`` array - **kvec** – Vector wavenumbers for axes in :math:`k`-space in ``(NgridK, )`` array """ # calculate uncertainties # preliminaries dij = co_array(rij) th = np.linspace(0, 360 * (1 - 1 / NgridTh), NgridTh) / 180 * np.pi if len(velLims) == 1: vel = velLims else: vel = np.linspace(velLims[0], velLims[1], NgridV) Th, Vel = np.meshgrid(th, vel) S1 = np.sin(Th) / Vel S2 = np.cos(Th) / Vel sigTh = np.zeros(Th.shape) sigV = sigTh.copy() # single-pass calcs # calculate eigenvalues/vectors of design matrix (one-time shot) C = dij@dij.T cii, Ve = np.linalg.eig(C) thEigR = np.arctan2(Ve[1, 0], Ve[0, 0]) R = np.array([[np.cos(thEigR), np.sin(thEigR)], [-np.sin(thEigR), np.cos(thEigR)]]) # calculate chi2 for desired confidence level x2 = chi2(2, 1-p) sigS = sigLevel / np.sqrt(cii) # prep for loop a = np.sqrt(x2) * sigS[0] b = np.sqrt(x2) * sigS[1] N, M = Th.shape # froot loops for n in range(N): for m in range(M): # calculate elliptical extrema So = R @ [[S1[n, m]], [S2[n, m]]] eExtrm, eVec = rthEllipse(a, b, So[0][0], So[1][0]) # rotate & recalculate eVec = eVec @ R # fix up angle calcs sigTh[n, m] = np.abs(np.diff( (np.arctan2(eVec[2:, 1], eVec[2:, 0]) * 180 / np.pi - 360) % 360)) if sigTh[n, m] > 180: sigTh[n, m] = np.abs(sigTh[n, m] - 360) sigV[n, m] = np.abs(np.diff(1 / eExtrm[:2])) # prepare impulse response impResp, kvec = impulseResp(dij, kmax, NgridK) return sigV, sigTh, impResp, vel, th / np.pi * 180, kvec
[docs]def impulseResp(dij, kmax, NgridK): r""" Calculate impulse response of a 2-D array. Args: dij: Coordinates of co-array of ``N`` sensors in a ``(2, (N*N-1)/2)`` array kmax (float): Impulse response will be calculated over the range [-`kmax`, `kmax`] in :math:`k`-space NgridK (int): Number of :math:`k`-space coordinates to calculate in each dimension Returns: tuple: Tuple containing: - **d** – Impulse response over grid as ``(NgridK, NgridK)`` array - **kvec** - Vector wavenumbers for axes in :math:`k`-space in ``(NgridK, )`` array """ # pre-allocate grid for :math:`k`-space kvec = np.linspace(-kmax, kmax, NgridK) Kx, Ky = np.meshgrid(kvec, kvec) N = dij.shape[1] K = np.vstack((Ky.flatten(), Kx.flatten())).T d = 2 * np.cos(K @ dij) # last term adds in fact that cos(0)==1 for ignored self-delay terms d = np.reshape(np.sum(d, axis=1), (NgridK, NgridK)) + (1 + np.sqrt(1 + 8 * N)) / 2 return d, kvec
[docs]def rthEllipse(a, b, x0, y0): r""" Calculate angles subtending, and extremal distances to, a coordinate-aligned ellipse from the origin. Args: a (float): Semi-major axis of ellipse b (float): Semi-minor axis of ellipse x0 (float): Horizontal center of ellipse y0 (float): Vertical center of ellipse Returns: tuple: Tuple containing: - **eExtrm** – Extremal parameters in ``(4, )`` array as .. code-block:: none [min distance, max distance, min angle (degrees), max angle (degrees)] - **eVec** – Coordinates of extremal points on ellipse in ``(4, 2)`` array as .. code-block:: none [[x min dist., y min dist.], [x max dist., y max dist.], [x max angle tangency, y max angle tangency], [x min angle tangency, y min angle tangency]] """ # set constants A = 2/a**2 B = 2*x0/a**2 C = 2/b**2 D = 2*y0/b**2 E = (B*x0+D*y0)/2-1 F = C-A G = A/2 H = C/2 eExtrm = np.zeros((4,)) eVec = np.zeros((4, 2)) eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps # some tolerances for numerical errors circTol = 1e8 # is it circular to better than circTol*eps? zeroTol = 1e4 # is center along a coord. axis to better than zeroTol*eps? magTol = 1e-5 # is a sol'n within ellipse*(1+magTol) (maginification) # pursue circular or elliptical solutions if np.abs(F) <= circTol * eps: # circle cent = np.sqrt(x0 ** 2 + y0 ** 2) eExtrm[0:2] = cent + np.array([-a, a]) eVec[0:2, :] = np.array([ [x0-a*x0/cent, y0-a*y0/cent], [x0+a*x0/cent, y0+a*y0/cent]]) else: # ellipse # check for trivial distance sol'n if np.abs(y0) < zeroTol * eps: eExtrm[0:2] = x0 + np.array([-a, a]) eVec[0:2, :] = np.vstack((eExtrm[0:2], [0, 0])).T elif np.abs(x0) < zeroTol * eps: eExtrm[0:2] = y0 + np.array([-b, b]) eVec[0:2, :] = np.vstack(([0, 0], eExtrm[0:2])).T else: # use dual solutions of quartics to find best, real-valued results # solve quartic for y fy = F**2*H y = quarticEqn(-D*F*(2*H+F)/fy, (B**2*(G+F)+E*F**2+D**2*(H+2*F))/fy, -D*(B**2+2*E*F+D**2)/fy, (D**2*E)/fy) y = np.array([y[i] for i in list(np.where(y == np.real(y))[0])]) xy = B*y / (D-F*y) # solve quartic for x fx = F**2*G x = quarticEqn(B*F*(2*G-F)/fx, (B**2*(G-2*F)+E*F**2+D**2*(H-F))/fx, B*(2*E*F-B**2-D**2)/fx, (B**2*E)/fx) x = np.array([x[i] for i in list(np.where(x == np.real(x))[0])]) yx = D*x / (F*x+B) # combine both approaches distE = np.hstack( (np.sqrt(x ** 2 + yx ** 2), np.sqrt(xy ** 2 + y ** 2))) # trap real, but bogus sol's (esp. near Th = 180) distEidx = np.where( (distE <= np.sqrt(x0 ** 2 + y0 ** 2) + np.max([a, b]) * (1 + magTol)) & (distE >= np.sqrt(x0 ** 2 + y0 ** 2) - np.max([a, b]) * (1 + magTol))) coords = np.hstack(((x, yx), (xy, y))).T coords = coords[distEidx, :][0] distE = distE[distEidx] eExtrm[0:2] = [distE.min(), distE.max()] eVec[0:2, :] = np.vstack( (coords[np.where(distE == distE.min()), :][0][0], coords[np.where(distE == distE.max()), :][0][0])) # angles subtended if x0 < 0: x0 = -x0 y = -np.array(quadraticEqn(D ** 2 + B ** 2 * H / G, 4 * D * E, 4 * E ** 2 - B ** 2 * E / G)) x = -np.sqrt(E / G - H / G * y ** 2) else: y = -np.array(quadraticEqn(D ** 2 + B ** 2 * H / G, 4 * D * E, 4 * E ** 2 - B ** 2 * E / G)) x = np.sqrt(E / G - H / G * y ** 2) eVec[2:, :] = np.vstack((x, y)).T # various quadrant fixes if x0 == 0 or np.abs(x0) - a < 0: eVec[2, 0] = -eVec[2, 0] eExtrm[2:] = np.sort(np.arctan2(eVec[2:, 1], eVec[2:, 0]) / np.pi * 180) return eExtrm, eVec
[docs]def co_array(rij): r""" Form co-array coordinates for given array coordinates. Args: rij: ``(d, n)`` array; ``n`` sensor coordinates as [northing, easting, {elevation}] column vectors in ``d`` dimensions Returns: ``(d, n(n-1)//2)`` co-array, coordinates of the sensor pairing separations """ idx = [(i, j) for i in range(rij.shape[1]-1) for j in range(i+1, rij.shape[1])] return rij[:, [i[0] for i in idx]] - rij[:, [j[1] for j in idx]]
[docs]def chi2(nu, alpha, funcTol=1e-10): r""" Calculate value of a :math:`\chi^2` such that a :math:`\nu`-dimensional confidence ellipsoid encloses a fraction :math:`1 - \alpha` of normally distributed variable. Args: nu (int): Degrees of freedom (typically embedding dimension of variable) alpha (float): Confidence interval such that :math:`\alpha \in [0, 1]` funcTol (float): Optimization function evaluation tolerance for :math:`\nu \ne 2` Returns: float: Value of a :math:`\chi^2` enclosing :math:`1 - \alpha` confidence region """ if nu == 2: # this shorthand owing to Ken Arnoult return -2 * np.log(alpha) else: # but just in case we end up with a nu != 2 situation gammaTest = lambda X2test: np.abs(gammainc(nu / 2, X2test / 2) - (1-alpha)) return optimize.fmin(func=gammaTest, x0=1, ftol=funcTol, disp=False)
[docs]def cubicEqn(a, b, c): r""" Roots of cubic equation in the form :math:`x^3 + ax^2 + bx + c = 0`. Args: a (int or float): Scalar coefficient of cubic equation, can be complex b (int or float): Same as above c (int or float): Same as above Returns: list: Roots of cubic equation in standard form See Also: :func:`numpy.roots` — Generic polynomial root finder Notes: Relatively stable solutions, with some tweaks by Dr. Z, per algorithm of Numerical Recipes 2nd ed., :math:`\S` 5.6. Even :func:`numpy.roots` can have some (minor) issues; e.g., :math:`x^3 - 5x^2 + 8x - 4 = 0`. """ Q = a*a/9 - b/3 R = (3*c - a*b)/6 + a*a*a/27 Q3 = Q*Q*Q R2 = R*R ao3 = a/3 # Q & R are real if np.isreal([a, b, c]).all(): # 3 real roots if R2 < Q3: sqQ = -2 * np.sqrt(Q) theta = np.arccos(R / np.sqrt(Q3)) # This solution first published in 1615 by Viète! x = [sqQ * np.cos(theta / 3) - ao3, sqQ * np.cos((theta + 2 * np.pi) / 3) - ao3, sqQ * np.cos((theta - 2 * np.pi) / 3) - ao3] # Q & R real, but 1 real, 2 complex roots else: # this is req'd since np.sign(0) = 0 if R != 0: A = -np.sign(R) * (np.abs(R) + np.sqrt(R2 - Q3)) ** (1 / 3) else: A = -np.sqrt(-Q3) ** (1 / 3) if A == 0: B = 0 else: B = Q/A # one real root & two conjugate complex ones x = [ (A+B) - ao3, -.5 * (A+B) + 1j * np.sqrt(3) / 2 * (A - B) - ao3, -.5 * (A+B) - 1j * np.sqrt(3) / 2 * (A - B) - ao3] # Q & R complex, so also 1 real, 2 complex roots else: sqR2mQ3 = np.sqrt(R2 - Q3) if np.real(np.conj(R) * sqR2mQ3) >= 0: A = -(R+sqR2mQ3)**(1/3) else: A = -(R-sqR2mQ3)**(1/3) if A == 0: B = 0 else: B = Q/A # one real root & two conjugate complex ones x = [ (A+B) - ao3, -.5 * (A+B) + 1j * np.sqrt(3) / 2 * (A - B) - ao3, -.5 * (A+B) - 1j * np.sqrt(3) / 2 * (A - B) - ao3 ] # parse real and/or int roots for tidy output for k in range(0, 3): if np.real(x[k]) == x[k]: x[k] = float(np.real(x[k])) if int(x[k]) == x[k]: x[k] = int(x[k]) return x
[docs]def quadraticEqn(a, b, c): r""" Roots of quadratic equation in the form :math:`ax^2 + bx + c = 0`. Args: a (int or float): Scalar coefficient of quadratic equation, can be complex b (int or float): Same as above c (int or float): Same as above Returns: list: Roots of quadratic equation in standard form See Also: :func:`numpy.roots` — Generic polynomial root finder Notes: Stable solutions, even for :math:`b^2 >> ac` or complex coefficients, per algorithm of Numerical Recipes 2nd ed., :math:`\S` 5.6. """ # real coefficient branch if np.isreal([a, b, c]).all(): # note np.sqrt(-1) = nan, so force complex argument if b: # std. sub-branch q = -0.5*(b + np.sign(b) * np.sqrt(np.complex(b * b - 4 * a * c))) else: # b = 0 sub-branch q = -np.sqrt(np.complex(-a * c)) # complex coefficient branch else: if np.real(np.conj(b) * np.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) >= 0: q = -0.5*(b + np.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) else: q = -0.5*(b - np.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) # stable root solution x = [q/a, c/q] # parse real and/or int roots for tidy output for k in 0, 1: if np.real(x[k]) == x[k]: x[k] = float(np.real(x[k])) if int(x[k]) == x[k]: x[k] = int(x[k]) return x
[docs]def quarticEqn(a, b, c, d): r""" Roots of quartic equation in the form :math:`x^4 + ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0`. Args: a (int or float): Scalar coefficient of quartic equation, can be complex b (int or float): Same as above c (int or float): Same as above d (int or float): Same as above Returns: list: Roots of quartic equation in standard form See Also: :func:`numpy.roots` — Generic polynomial root finder Notes: Stable solutions per algorithm of CRC Std. Mathematical Tables, 29th ed. """ # find *any* root of resolvent cubic a2 = a*a y = cubicEqn(-b, a*c - 4*d, (4*b - a2)*d - c*c) y = y[0] # find R R = np.sqrt(a2 / 4 - (1 + 0j) * b + y) # force complex in sqrt foo = 3*a2/4 - R*R - 2*b if R != 0: # R is already complex. D = np.sqrt(foo + (a * b - 2 * c - a2 * a / 4) / R) E = np.sqrt(foo - (a * b - 2 * c - a2 * a / 4) / R) # ... else: sqrtTerm = 2 * np.sqrt(y * y - (4 + 0j) * d) # force complex in sqrt D = np.sqrt(foo + sqrtTerm) E = np.sqrt(foo - sqrtTerm) x = [-a/4 + R/2 + D/2, -a/4 + R/2 - D/2, -a/4 - R/2 + E/2, -a/4 - R/2 - E/2] # parse real and/or int roots for tidy output for k in range(0, 4): if np.real(x[k]) == x[k]: x[k] = float(np.real(x[k])) if int(x[k]) == x[k]: x[k] = int(x[k]) return x
[docs]def read_kml(kml_file): r"""Parse an array KML file into a list of element latitudes and longitudes. KML file must contain a single folder containing the array element points. Args: kml_file (str): Full path to input KML file (extension ``.kml``) Returns: tuple: ``(latlist, lonlist)`` for input to :func:`~array_processing.algorithms.helpers.getrij` """ # Read in KML file k = kml.KML() with open(kml_file, mode='rb') as f: k.from_string( # Extract coordinates elements = list(list(list(k.features())[0].features())[0].features()) lonlist = [element.geometry.x for element in elements] latlist = [element.geometry.y for element in elements] return latlist, lonlist