Source code for array_processing.algorithms.fk_freq

import numpy as np
from math import pow, ceil
from obspy.signal.invsim import cosine_taper

[docs]def fk_freq(data, fs, rij, vmin, vmax, fmin, fmax, nvel, ntheta): r""" :math:`f`–:math:`k` beamforming with loop over frequency bands. Args: data: ``(m, n)`` array; time series with ``m`` samples from ``n`` traces as columns rij: ``(d, n)`` array; ``n`` sensor coordinates as [northing, easting, {elevation}] column vectors in ``d`` dimensions fs (int or float): Sample rate [Hz] vmin (int or float): Min velocity in km/s, suggest 0.25 vmax (int or float): Max velocity in km/s, suggest 0.45 fmin (int or float): Minimum frequency in Hz fmax (int or float): Maximum frequency in Hz nvel (int or float): Number of velocity iterations, suggest 100–200 ntheta (int or float): Number of azimuth iterations, suggest 100–200 Returns: ``(ntheta, nvel)`` array; beamformed slowness map, not normalized. Can find max using .. code-block:: python ix, iy = np.unravel_index(bmpwr.argmax(), bmpwr.shape) """ #reshape rij from standard setup rij = np.transpose(rij) rij[:, 0] = rij[:, 0] - np.mean(rij[:, 0]) rij[:, 1] = rij[:, 1] - np.mean(rij[:, 1]) # Getting the size of the data [m, nsta] = np.shape(data) # set up velocity/slowness and theta vectors sits = np.linspace(1/vmax, 1/vmin, int(nvel)) theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, ntheta) # Getting initial time shifts # x time delay cost = np.cos(theta) Tx1 = np.outer(sits, np.transpose(cost)) Txm = Tx1[:, :, None] * np.transpose(rij[:, 1]) # y time delay sint = np.sin(theta) Ty1 = np.outer(sits, np.transpose(sint)) Tym = Ty1[:, :, None] * np.transpose(rij[:, 0]) # All possible time delays TT = Txm + Tym # Computing the next power of 2 for fft input n2 = ceil(np.log2(m)) nfft = int(pow(2, n2)) # Frequency increment deltaf = fs / nfft # Getting frequency bands nlow = int(fmin / float(deltaf) + 0.5) nhigh = int(fmax / float(deltaf) + 0.5) nlow = max(1, nlow) # avoid using the offset nhigh = min(nfft // 2 - 1, nhigh) # avoid using Nyquist nf = nhigh - nlow + 1 # include upper and lower frequency # Apply a 22% Cosine Taper taper = cosine_taper(m, p=0.22) # Calculated the FFT of each trace # ft are complex Fourier coefficients # is this faster in scipy? ft = np.empty((nsta, nf), dtype=np.complex128) for jj in range(nsta): data[:, jj] = data[:, jj] - np.mean(data[:, jj]) dat = data[:, jj] * taper ft[jj, :] = np.fft.rfft(dat, nfft)[nlow:nlow + nf] # Change data structure for performance boost --> Check this. ft = np.ascontiguousarray(ft, np.complex128) # Pre-allocating freqrange = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, nf) pow_mapt = np.zeros((int(nvel), int(ntheta)), dtype=np.float64, order='C') pow_mapb = np.zeros((int(nvel), int(ntheta)), dtype=np.float64, order='C') flen = len(freqrange) # loop entire slowness map over frequencies # compute covariance for ii in range(flen): # Generating the exponentials - steering vectors freq = freqrange[ii] expo = -1j * 2 * np.pi * freq * TT Master = np.exp(expo) # Broadcasting the Fourier coefficients at each station fcoeff = ft[:, ii] Master = Master * fcoeff[None, None, :] Top = np.sum(Master, axis=2) Top2 = np.real(np.multiply(Top.conj(), Top)) Bot = np.real(np.multiply(Master.conj(), Master)) Bot = np.sum(Bot, axis=2) pow_mapt += Top2 pow_mapb += Bot pow_map = pow_mapt/pow_mapb return pow_map